The White Horse No More

Throughout the last few years, my journey has taught me a lot of things, one of the most important has been on mental health.  

History repeats itself unless we brave the wilderness to confront it, challenge it and then change it.  

5 brothers, I’ve been married 2 times & I have 2 boys.  I’ve seen what men go through and frankly it upsets me a lot.  

Men are expected to be the strong hold in a family, to listen to their elders and do what they are told, even if it isn’t right.  Why?  Well, from what I understand, if men don’t, they are then chastised, belittled and made to feel as if they’ve betrayed the “man code”.  

Don’t get me wrong, I believe this is changing but I have seen first hand, the misogyny, bigotry and conformity men face.  Frankly I dislike it.

I’ve seen men be told to..

“shut up and sit down” 

that ..

“if they can’t be a man, they are a (insert name of female genitalia)”

 A man should know his place in the family, as a woman should.  A man should ... not cry.

Who in bloody (opposite of heaven) created these said rules?  

I have worked VERY hard to teach my boys the opposite of these and that it is OKAY for a person to lean into their partner.  No matter their gender.  

I’m not sorry to say this but the White Horse myth doesn’t exist anymore folks.  Let’s be real and give a little love around the table.  

This stems from a call I had with a friend who, is opposite gender than I who was failing from grace quickly and reached out to me for some love and support.  I’m glad I was there as I fear, if they didn’t feel safe enough to, I may not have ever spoken to them again.  

Let’s drop the stigma and as I said, drop the White Horse myth and allow everyone to feel. 


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