
Showing posts from March, 2020

Winning thoughts..

If I could tell my younger self something it would be .. Trust in the journey. I can reflect on the hardships in this life over and over again but I’d rather reflect on the lessons, the rewards and the moments that brought me to where I am now.   Everyone has struggles, every single person.  The magnitude of them ranges on the recovery time.  It’s similar to surgery.  We all go in with expectations and come out with the task of rebuilding and recovery.  The time it takes is truly up to us as an individual.  Often, when recovery doesn’t go the way we thought, it can be something that was on our plate, not anyone else’s.   I was a child, not knowing my value as I struggled with abuse and at the age of 16 I left moving into a foster home, then becoming a mother at 18.  I knew the relationship I was in wasn’t right for us so we choose to go on our own ways in under a year.  A few years pass, not giving myself the right amount of value, I sought it out from another.   Th