
Showing posts from November, 2019

Mental Health

When I say, life comes full circle, I truly believe this.  Every story, ends where it begins.  Not saying that my life is ending but am saying that a circle within my life is coming full. I've been thinking about this topic for .. years.  I want to say, it started when I was 16.   Mental health. At the age of 10 (from what I've recalled) I was sexually abused. Going to court, my objective was that they would face their demons, find our their whys and learn how to heal.   It was the ONLY way, the cycle would stop.  Being angry wasn't the answer, I already knew that anger wouldn't be the cure but forgiveness would be the key that could help others begin their own healing journey.  Moving into a foster home at the age of 17 then on my own at 18. Further in life, I entered a relationship where I abandoned all of who I could be, to get what I felt would fill my life.  While in this, I didn't have faith in myself, I didn't give myself time to heal from the p