Life vs. Living

I once read a quote from Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." and it struck me, stuck with me and essentially molded me.  Even at mid age in life, I could say, this old dog can still learn new things.  

A few years back, I decided to leave the corporate world to do what I thought was the "right thing" and was confident this was the correct path.  I left behind a good pension, benefits and security.  

After all, I was not going to be that person who spoke about change but didn't live it.  

Off I went to change the world.  

Within 3 years I learnt exactly what Winston Churchill was trying to tell us.  

Those years I experienced, were not just life changing, they were tumultuous.  

3 non profits, one where my position was eliminated after 2 months, the second where the contract ended due to lack of funding then, the third where the environment was so toxic that I lost sleep due to stress, cried many nights while questioning my own ability to do something successful.  I actually had the HR representative tell me how much they believed in me and that he needed me to believe in myself.   

I cannot say I didn't try and that is how much I changed.  

When I choose to start to live life, I ended up changing others without knowing it. How?

By creating a Volunteer Committee in that corporation back 3 years ago.    

I proposed to the Regional Vice President that we start a committee to help with engagement and gave him my word that any time we spent volunteering was during non working hours.  I would track the time and do my best to get feedback from those involved.  

Surprising, we did OVER 400 hours in less than a year.  The staff changed their perceptions regarding each department and their work loads.  Shortly after starting, we went from work colleagues to a work family.  

I would hear people chatting about how much they were affected from volunteering at Ronald McDonald House with children and families.  About how serving dinner to women at Sorrentino's Compassion House made them feel more open and how they started to become more empathetic for each other.  

Then prior to my leaving, they instituted a "Volunteer day" where the staff could do their volunteer activity during work hours.  

Most recently, they volunteered at Habitat for Humanity.  When I read this, I realized my work has gone far beyond my expectations.  

Let's return to today.  

Now, back in the private sector with a corporation I've gained back some healthy perspective.  All while being respected, encouraged and valued.  I'm now working for a company who already has these values.  This makes my work so much better.  My sleep possible and my mind rest.  I am happier than I could have imagined and I have no regrets now because I learnt a lot more about myself and the quote we started with.  

I can keep on volunteering at Hope Mission serving food to those in need and head over to Ronald McDonald House to put smiles on families that need it more than me.  I can also make a living to provide things I need without feeling guilty.


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