
Showing posts from July, 2019

Finding faith - Part 1

I’m not sure where to start but this is something that I struggle with. Expressing the faith I’ve discovered over the last few years.  Someone once said, finding faith is something you do in the darkness.  This couldn’t be further from the truth for me. In time, life took a turn and while I found it harder and harder to face the truth my thoughts went to dark places to cope.  I didn’t want to become the person my life was going towards.  After all, I had not been happy for years, it became worse and I could see the end, and it did not bode well.   I confess the challenges that were in my life were a result of misdirected choices, failures and lack of strength to stand up for myself.  Everyone else came first and happiness was found in my life by serving others.  This isn’t a bad thing for most however, in that process I forgot who I was.   Starting therapy with the grace of my boss at the time, he held cover for me while I attended.  I spoke my truths, learning how to deal with

Life vs. Living

I once read a quote from Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." and it struck me, stuck with me and essentially molded me.  Even at mid age in life, I could say, this old dog can still learn new things.   A few years back, I decided to leave the corporate world to do what I thought was the "right thing" and was confident this was the correct path.  I left behind a good pension, benefits and security.   After all, I was not going to be that person who spoke about change but didn't live it.   Off I went to change the world.   Within 3 years I learnt exactly what Winston Churchill was trying to tell us.   Those years I experienced, were not just life changing, they were tumultuous.   3 non profits, one where my position was eliminated after 2 months, the second where the contract ended due to lack of funding then, the third where the environment was so toxic that  I lost sleep due to stress, cried many