
Showing posts from October, 2018

How to encourage positivity

Often, we don't know where to start with positivity but let me tell you some words from experience.  Kindness, is like a snowball rolling down a hill.  With the momentum as it rolls, it gathers strength and size, picking up more along the way.   I remember my first volunteer experience.  I was 12 years of age, in Canada, too young to actually start working at the time.  I wanted desperately to earn money for myself but found that gaining volunteer experience would gain respect in the future from possible employers.  What I didn't anticipate, was the value of empathy and the tool of giving back.   Fast forward to today.  I was having a conversation with a friend about their personality.  Telling me how they saw themselves as a "B" type personality with a small amount of "A" type.  If you don't know what either means, I'll give you my best description  Type A - Personalities  that are more competitive, highly organized, ambitious, highly aware of