Let me get this going

Introductions are at times, quite difficult as we don't know how much to expose of ourselves, and to whom.  It's the beginning of vulnerability which we are all afraid of.  To voluntary put ourselves in a position of exposure.  

So here I go with a new blog, a new chapter and a new direction.  

Life isn't always what we anticipated as a young child but as we age, we discover, life evolves and unless we are wiling to see what is being offered we may not become.

You see, as a person who lived through childhood sexual abuse, then entered a domestic violent relationship, I can see now the path life has presented.  Although statistically, I could have been the person you see curled up on the streets, without hope, giving into whatever was presented, I choose to take a different direction.  

With a few people in my life, who had given me a fraction of their time to show that they valued me enough to teach me about the *sun and wind, to give me all the love I needed, and finally .. to turn me in front of a mirror, and tell me to repeat this;

You are good enough
You are beautiful
You are worthy
You can do it

What I saw was a fractured person, what I didn't see was a person willing to give up on themselves and would always, no matter what, see the glass half full with rose colored glasses.  

I'd like to have you know, this blog will always be interactive, I will speak to you with kindness and the best of intentions.  I may not always succeed but I will try again, like you, we all know one person who will inspire us and I hope to be one for you.

Remember, do something kind today.  No matter how difficult life may be, kindness will shine through like the sun and you will have a small victory to hold on to. 

I encourage you to share your struggles here, then share the way you've overcome it.  

*The Sun and The Wind will be referenced later


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