
Showing posts from November, 2023

Finding courage

I've said many times, that life will challenge us.  That being said, learning from these challenges and growing are key.  We can not point a finger to blame, as easy as it sounds.  When doing so, it inhibits our personal growth, learning from the experience and making the change to become better.   It seems as though it can be difficult but keep it simple.  2+2=4 right?  Well, if we take that equation we see the answer clearly.  As a wee child, learning and understanding it is what we feel is elementary however, until we know better we don't become better.  It can be as simple as that.   Don't get stuck in the details, look at life simply without the complications our minds put in front of each task daily.  What are your goals and objectives and how do you get to the end result?  By taking one step at a time.  If you walk 1 mile a day, that equates to 365 miles in a year.   Love today and try your best not to live with regrets.  Rest your head at night, knowing you've d

Living an extraordinary life

One of my closest friends and I had a discussion about life and relationships the other day.  Denise as always, put it so eloquently.   "I want to live an extraordinary life."  It struck me. Daily, for the most part we wake up, do the routine in our lives before heading out the door to what we do that helps pay the bills and puts food on our tables.  I pondered this for a wee bit knowing, I am one of those.  Trying though to be as present as possible in the moments that pass though the day, I seek opportunity to make change. Why do I do this you ask? I want to live an extraordinary life, making a positive change, not only for myself but those I am blessed to be around.  Even if I don't know you.   Choices to give me the mental acuity to press forward, the emotional equanimity to face each challenge even when I don't see through the darkness when in a moment of doubt.   It is I, who choose to live an extraordinary life and if those who know me, choose to come along for