
Showing posts from March, 2022

Root Cause - Changing your narrative part 1

Before I start, I want to make it clear.   I am not a psychologist, therapist or counsellor.  I am speaking and working from my personal experiences and truths in life, reflecting daily on my actions or reactions to others behaviours based on my past.    Defining root cause will lead to healing, understanding and empathy.   Not a human on this earth has gone unscathed, without trauma.  Our lives, without knowing it can be centered around this.  Similar to an unconscious bias, reactions to situations or behaviours exhibited by others.   Below is an example to help clarify A puppy is adopted by a family however, over some years this dog is mistreated by one member.  The dog learns not to trust that family member.  They disobey or become submissive due to the abuse.  Eventually, the dog bites back and is now labeled dangerous.   What was the dogs root cause? (why did they become this way - below are some questions you would consider to find out.) 1. What was your trauma?  (below are some