
Showing posts from February, 2022

The root cause leading to your why

I recently saw a post on social media asking for people to interview on podcasts with a focus on those who are changing the world.  I recommended they looked at the speakers "Why" meaning, "why did they choose to work on changing the world, what was their root cause?" We all have these "root causes" in life that can at times, dictate the direction.  This is something I often reflect on, work on and move towards with positive energy . Although I may not change the entire world, I try to help others see the positive side, the philanthropic ability in each of us and expressing random acts of kindness, the ripple effect.   My personal why is based on several events in life, the roots cause.  I was exposed to many elements that I see now as stepping stones.  I had people who seemed to show up at times in my life that just gave me enough light to see the good in each situation.   Perhaps starting out as each of us do, I wanted to believe the good in everyone eve