
How rocks are formed

Back on the horse, sharing and hoping to help others with my own personal experiences.  It's been quite the past few years as many can attest themselves, times change our perspectives.  I for one, made a change, to which I thought was right. Moving from my home city where both my grown boys live, family resides and friends made time, I thought giving another go at a life feeling was positive.  Without hesitation, i stepped into the unknown, faith and hope inside as if I was 17 all over again.   Moving closer to the mountains, to be free of the stresses during Covid. The ending wasn't what I hoped for but I can say, I did give it almost my all. Struggling with being away from my children, family and friends and being in another difficult relationship that was becoming more tumultuous I had to make a decision to leave.  Returning home to family and friends, knowing it was the best decision for my own life.   A small basement suite would suffice, (300 square feet) on an air bed, w

Be the light, not the darkness

In the past year, I've been given the opportunity to make change.   After years of dedicating my life to my children, I had developed value based choices.  I knew that the results of my children were from the choices I made while they grew up.  Always trying to be the example of who I wanted them to become, only better.  Opportunities to teach them how to treat others, how to care for themselves, including how to take accountability or how to accept an apology. Now, in a career where I have the opportunity to help others become the best version of themselves, no matter what they are doing, is the key to my passion.  I am filled with gratitude daily seeing the growth and development of the team I work side by side with.   It isn't about numbers, albeit numbers tell a story and keep the truth close.  It is more than that.  To see how one becomes confident in their choices and actions.  How they challenge me to temper my own reaction, and mostly how proud of them I am.  The best p


Having several uncompleted posts as life was happening, I lost track of time and perhaps, a bit of desire to write.  As always, I write with honesty which I was struggling with.   Today, I had a session with my counsellor.  It was amazing to hear myself speak about my journey lately. over a year ago, I was deep within what I thought was a swamp.  I could barely see through the murky waters, struggling to fight the weeds that felt as if I was being pulled down.  I'd get a glimpse of light through and kept on fighting my way forward.  Once out of the swamp and weeds, I gained my foundation and started to work upwards.  The rocks beneath my feet crumbled at times, stumbling and of course falling to my knees.  I would take moments of rest for recovery, often giving myself the grace of tears.  Not wanting to look back in fear of what was chasing me, I kept forging forward.   Today, I spoke about the journey so far and with a burst of emotion let it out and saying;  "I may not be at

The reflections worth

As we approach the end of 2023, I want you to reflect back on the days that consumed it.   Ask yourself, how did each one make you feel, including those that were involved in those days? We are given 365 each year, to give and receive others love and energy.  If you feel those in a healthy way, you have been blessed.  If not, take a moment to evaluate them and what your gut was telling you.  Was it something you could rest your head down to or did you stay up at night wondering if it is right?   I have told others that if you can rest your head at night, knowing you've done all you can then you can say you've lived your life by the values you believe in.  If not, then change needs to happen and it can only start with you.  Be accountable for yourself. Remember, everyone's interests are not the same as your own and sometimes, others will take more from you than you are capable of giving.  Don't sacrifice yourself to be less so that you love someone more.  Draw those line

Finding courage

I've said many times, that life will challenge us.  That being said, learning from these challenges and growing are key.  We can not point a finger to blame, as easy as it sounds.  When doing so, it inhibits our personal growth, learning from the experience and making the change to become better.   It seems as though it can be difficult but keep it simple.  2+2=4 right?  Well, if we take that equation we see the answer clearly.  As a wee child, learning and understanding it is what we feel is elementary however, until we know better we don't become better.  It can be as simple as that.   Don't get stuck in the details, look at life simply without the complications our minds put in front of each task daily.  What are your goals and objectives and how do you get to the end result?  By taking one step at a time.  If you walk 1 mile a day, that equates to 365 miles in a year.   Love today and try your best not to live with regrets.  Rest your head at night, knowing you've d

Living an extraordinary life

One of my closest friends and I had a discussion about life and relationships the other day.  Denise as always, put it so eloquently.   "I want to live an extraordinary life."  It struck me. Daily, for the most part we wake up, do the routine in our lives before heading out the door to what we do that helps pay the bills and puts food on our tables.  I pondered this for a wee bit knowing, I am one of those.  Trying though to be as present as possible in the moments that pass though the day, I seek opportunity to make change. Why do I do this you ask? I want to live an extraordinary life, making a positive change, not only for myself but those I am blessed to be around.  Even if I don't know you.   Choices to give me the mental acuity to press forward, the emotional equanimity to face each challenge even when I don't see through the darkness when in a moment of doubt.   It is I, who choose to live an extraordinary life and if those who know me, choose to come along for

What love is

I’ve had this sorted history of what I thought love was and for the most part, when it came to romantic relationships I’ve not had success.  After leaving my last one, I became determined to never repeat this pattern and to work on myself first.   I’ve been doing this for just over a year now and I must say, the hardest part in life at this moment is breaking old habits.  This of course, has come with friends and family who have shown me unconditional love.  I started therapy shortly after returning, becoming accountable for my actions but also, allowing all the emotions that come up to be faced fully with questions and of course, answers. This weekend was no exception. I was with a friend and they showed me something I didn’t think possible.   How to breathe through my emotions.   Their grace put a wee bit of gold on the part of my heart I thought was never going to heal.  I wanted to run when they did something innocently.  I wanted to just be alone when they held me and told me to t